Saturday, May 30, 2015

Enough Affirmative Action in the White House

For eight years that have lasted eight years all too long, we have had President Barack Obama as our Commander-in-Chief. He won because and only because he was black, and now the successor of his party, Hillary Clinton, is trying to win because and only because she is a woman. She has made it all clear that she is not running as a candidate that rational people who regard issues should vote for, but as the woman candidate for president, seeking election as the sole person of her sex to hold the office. History books and commentators would lampoon her with honor she does not deserve for extending Obama's policies an additional 8 years, and the worst onslaught in the executive branch since FDR. Why has there never been a woman president before? In our country founded on individualism and personal worth, there is only one legitimate answer to that question. No woman who has wanted to be president so far has worked hard enough for it yet. You want to have a woman president or be a woman president? Pick one that gets off the couch and runs on merit, not her gender. The so-called "War on Women" is a load of crap. Ireland, a country that protects the right to life, has had two women presidents, versus the United States, a country where child murder is legal and encouraged. When the time comes to have a woman president, it should be a hard-working woman of principle, like the Irish kind.